• FORTIS Zero-G Arm | ROBRADY design

    FORTIS Zero-G Arm

    Complementing the exo-suit, the FORTIS tool arm device is as much an extension of the suit as the suit is of the wearer.

The Helping Hand Is an Arm

Lockheed Martin worked with ROBRADY design to revolutionize their FORTIS industrial exoskeleton. Lightweight, efficient and emission-free, the award-winning exo-suit helps human beings push (and lift, hold and carry) beyond the limits of human performance. Complementing the exo-suit, the FORTIS tool arm device is as much an extension of the suit as the suit is of the wearer.

Lean and Green

Like the exo-suit, the tool arm expresses the same elegant, effective and supremely efficient design. Capable of supporting a tool up to 36 pounds, the arm operates by spring tension instead of complicated hydraulics or motors. This design contributes to budget friendly production and less downtime for maintenance.

OM Zero-G

In industrial settings, tools such as rivet guns and grinders can be heavy to support and especially so when used over a long period of time. The combined weight and effort required to operate these heavy implements exerts extreme stress on the body and high metabolic burn rates (MBR) which significantly reduce work periods (to mere minutes in some cases). Working in concert with the exo-suit, the tool arm redirects that weight away from the wearer to the ground, which delivers the sensation of working in a zero-g environment, allowing the user to focus more on guiding and using the tool instead of holding it.

Crushing It In Comfort

Constructed with precision bent aluminum that makes it lighter than comparable attachments, the tool arm’s design also includes lock-out mechanisms to focus activities and provide steady, reliable control without sacrificing strength. The ergonomic design of the arm was developed to inherently eliminate injury causing ‘pinch points’ when in use. Whether station-mounted or attached to a Lockheed Martin FORTIS Exoskeleton, the tool arm raises worker safety, capability and productivity to a level previously seen only in science fiction.